Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random Observations

A big thing in Denmark is making people pay for glasses of water in some restaurants. Wrong, just wrong. I don’t understand why it can’t be free. I guess that means I am always going to need to ask the restaurants if the water is free before I order any.

Most Danes are not a fan of 40+ Americans on a bus. One night we were on a bus, of course being loud since some people were drunk and there is 40 some of us, the bus driver told us to stop being so loud. So we started shhing and then some drunk Danes did the same. When we got off the bus the older Danes looked relieved and apparently we even got flipped off. I guess the best thing for our group is to start traveling in smaller groups.

Biking Culture: Cycling is absolutely crazy here! In Denmark, there is a separate lane for cyclists. No matter what time it is there will always be someone on a bike. Some people have big compartments for their children in the front of the bike, younger children will ride bikes with their parents near them or by themself, and some girls will ride bikes in a skirt or heels. I learned quickly to stay out of their way! They don’t really stop for anyone and the bike lane is nothing but dangerous.


  1. i bought a small bottle of water today (1/2 liter i think) and i just refill it and keep it in my purse

  2. haha yeah usually I carry around my water bottle from Target.
